Internet Speed Meter v1.4.7 APK
Internet Speed Meter v1.4.7 APK
Internet Speed Meter v1.4.7 APK
Internet Speed Meter indicates the speed of the Internet right in the status bar , allowing you to control the speed at any time while using the phone
Internet Speed Meter v1.4.7 APK Internet Speed Meter v1.4.7 APK
Internet Speed meter
This is a full version of Internet Speed meter has the following additional features
★ themes support
★ Rapid analysis of data usage with gradient theme function
★ Ability blue status bar icon
choose the app has a smart notification system . . automatically displays the message when you connect to the Internet and hides when unplugged
the app is light on resources and battery efficient
- Real-time speed -update in the status bar and notification
- Daily stats in message . .
- Smart Notification On / Off .
- Separate statistics for mobile data and WiFi data.
- Logs your traffic from the past 30 days. What's in this version : (Updated: January 13, 2015 )
< ul style = " text- align: left ;"> - Fix for status bar icon sometimes disappears lollipop
- Added translations for Ukrainian Language Required Android O / S : 2.3.3
Screenshots :
Internet Speed Meter v1.4.7 APK
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